Thursday, September 23, 2010

The melting of a soul...

First off, I can't take it anymore. I am going out of my mind. I just don't feel like myself anymore.  I feel as though I am merely walking through life and waiting to be born again in a sense. To wake up. To finally be myself again. And what you ask, is causing this amount of insanity. The daggum heat. It is so effing hot all of the time. I live for the fall. It is my favorite season of the year by far and although they tell me that yesterday was the first day of fall you would not be able to tell by the temperature that is searing my skin as I walk into the sun. This is ridiculous. I think I might just go camping and the game plan is to stop when I feel that the temperature is cool enough for an enjoyable experience and will make me need a jacket in the dark.

On the other side why I am totally annoyed with this prolonged summer is that I have been putting some music in my back pocket that I have felt will fit perfectly into this fall season. I have held off on falling in love with it so that I can do it all in the perfect context. I know, it is ridiculous. But context is everything. Well, maybe not everything but it will turn average into good and good into unfreakingbelievable. And I am more than ready to get serious about listening to some of this stuff. Last year it was primarily Fleet Foxes and Bon Iver. If I haven't said it yet then I really really need to. Make sure you listen to Bon Iver. It is a total game changer. But this year some of the stuff I am really looking forward to is some new Band of Horses and some new Ray LaMontagne. But of course there will be some new artist to listen to, I am sure of it. So you must stay tuned and I will let you know as soon as I know in the heralded form of lyrics.

In better news, next week the forcast is in the 70's. About damn time my friends.

I bid you all adieu.

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