Thursday, September 9, 2010

And the sweetness will not be concerned with me...

Some nights I am feeling intellectual and smart and, well lets be honest, a little conceited. But some nights are built more in humility. An actual understanding of how insignificant you actually are in a really big world. It is probably a mix of both of these kind of nights in which we find balance. Part of my paradox is that I would consider myself neither really a jubilant person nor a depressed one. But often I find myself being either both at one time or an extreme of one or the other. A lot of nights Ican have a wonderful time with friends and never laugh so hard I have water come out of my nose but on my way home I find myself listening to something like this and feeling every word of it. The whole dichotomy of the entire night throws even me off. It are these times that I remind myself no matter what the Stall Wall Weekly said at Berry I am not, in fact, schizophrenic. Which, is always a relief.

But on nights like tonight is often when music plays the biggest part of me. It is always in music where I can find community when the world is filled with double rainbows. But now when we are feeling a little emo there are always options in the life of a 26 year old. (There, I said it. I am 26 and still get a little emo every now and again.) We can either revert back to the classics that I loved (and still love, btw) or it is amazing how the true emo kids in high school never actually get "not emo" they just mature a little bit. And the music matures with them. So, I suppose I can be a grown adult and listen to adult emo music but that can always get a little "too real".  But sometimes, I think it is a little bit of both and it says exactly what you need it to say. And yes, I know I used the same artist multiple times, but I really really like this guy.

Well, my goal was a post littered with links like a hipster bar is littered with flannel... success... (and I am not saying anything bad about flannel, I personally love it.)

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