Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Maybe I should have done this earlier...

Some say that the older you get the less you have to say. I am kinda feeling lately that this theory might be true. But also, the older I get I feel like I might be losing wisdom. Growing more ignorant. But perhaps I am merely finding the wisdom to not understand what I do not know and to not speak on it.

I have been a bad blogger. Not writing like I should. But in my defense, I feel like I have very little worth saying. But here is an excerpt of something I wrote on FB about a year or so ago... I really liked it...

And here we are today, still battling this feeling of unworthiness. But something has changed again. Where at one time we were bound by this knowledge and the only way to God was to overcome Evil by following the laws of good, we are now in a position where this knowledge has no power over us. While the knowledge will never be erased from our primordial memories we are no longer bound to its power. We are no longer forced to clothe ourselves and run from our nudity because God has taken that shame from us and replaced it with hope. We no longer are forced to tie a rope around us to enter into His presence but rather we are asked to enter into it carrying every burden and sin that we have so that it may be taken away and cleansed. We no longer find ourselves following this ancient law out of duty but rather out of love. Our lives are no longer controlled by a knowledge of good and evil but rather by a knowledge of Grace.

Forgive my cliche, but everything changed again with another tree. A tree that was cut down and destroyed and turned into a weapon of torture. Completely opposite of that beautiful and mystic tree in a garden, this tree was ugly and dirty and covered in blood and dirt. But this was The Tree of The Knowledge of Grace. So, why are we still controlled by our fear? Why do we still live tied to our knowledge of good and evil? Why can't we fully live out of the knowledge of Grace?

I think it is funny how the tree that was most likely very beautiful and pretty and vibrant with color brought so much bad. And the tree that was dull and ugly and beaten and bruised brought us so much hope. Makes me wonder how my Creator defines beauty.

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