Wednesday, September 1, 2010

And we begin with where all those who were before us have started... with a word...

I heard one time a quote that I have never been able to let go of. I haven't been able to find it since but it goes something like this. "Before any writer writes a one single bit of good writing he must first write a bunch of crap."

Well, this is my crap. I will start here at the beginning where every writer has started before me. Except, I am not a writer and nor do I think that I ever will be. And to say that this is the first thing I have written is to believe that there aren't random notes and emo poems scattered around my room like a treasure hunt for the bored and mindless.

I am actually starting this blog at the behest of some friends and the actual hope that someone might read it. Or perhaps the fear that someone might read it. Because it does not take an audience to be self centered but once audience comes it brings along with it the friend of self centeredness. Pride. I need neither of those in my life because I have too many reasons already to hide in shame. Many of which might show their faces here because when you speak of your addictions, your vices are soon to follow in a fashionably late accord.

What are my addictions you may ask? I have two. And they meet often. Music and God. I will speak of the two here. Often in accordance and relationship with one another. And maybe, maybe... something will come of it...

P.S.- I am also addicted to ellipses... sorry...

1 comment:

  1. This was a very solid entry bro. I am so glad you are doing this!

    where the line between the sacred and the secular blur... especially in music...

