Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The lost art of the humble...

" But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” - James 4:6

I think one of the reasons that I cling to music so much more often than church is because of humility. Now, I realize that many people would oppose my assumption that most often lyricist are humble but I dare say that any person that would sing of their trial and errors would be defined more humbly than that of many. Perhaps that is one of the functions of art. To allow us to be humble. It is most often in areas in which art has ceased to develop that we see a lack of humility.

I think this might be the greatest misfunctions of the church today and quite possibly one of the reasons I strongly dislike going. I hate the lack of humility found in the place. Especially, in a place where humility is one of the foremost cornerstones of the community. I have a lot more thinking to do on this subject but I just read a quote that said this: "Humility cannot exist in the spiritual vacuum that is self-righteousness."

I know one thing. I struggle with humility. In fact I will give you this. I doubt any of them will read this or any of you will know who I am referring to so I will go ahead. But I have a group of friends and we are all really close and we like to speak as if we are all going to be friends forever. But I know that we won't. I also know what is going to rip us all apart. We all lack humility. And like in the article we are not the self-righteous annoying churchy types. No, we are real people that often show love in a multitude of situations. But we lack humility in so many different ways. We all pridefully believe that in some way or another we are better than the rest. And it will rip us apart. It breaks my heart but I don't know how to stop it. But I guess the first step is for me to learn how to be humble.

Maybe it is time to take up an art form and bring my flaws to the forefront of my head.

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